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  • Are Your Books Driving You Crazy? 5 Reasons to Hire An Accountant for Small Businesses

    Looking for the Reasons to Hire An Accountant for Small Businesses in Duluth? Look no further.

    Aside from the fact that your books may be driving you crazy, do you want to know the best reason for hiring an accountant for small businesses in Duluth, GA? Because you aren’t one. You might be the subject matter expert when it comes to your products or services, but when it comes to bookkeeping, you aren’t, nor should you be, the expert. This particular area of your success and growth is best left to the professionals.

    Need more? Here are 5 reasons you should hire a small business accountant this year:

    #1: You Can’t Do Everything (We’re sorry, but it’s true!)

    If you own a small business, your independent, do-it-all mentality is probably what got you here. But you also know you should delegate tasks to those most qualified to complete them. Like your books. It can be hard to justify the expense of hiring an outside company for something when there are so many DIY applications available, but taking this particular task off your plate allows you to focus on your areas of expertise, like your business.

    #2: One Word: Taxes

    No one likes doing taxes, and even fewer people actually understand the laws as they apply to small businesses, but guess what? Accountants do! That’s part of their knowledge base, keeping on top of tax laws. Not only will a good accountant help ensure your business’s compliance with tax filing and tax laws, but they also have a keen knowledge of any tax breaks you and your company can take advantage of.

    #3: Accounting Technology Knowledge

    You don’t have time to research and test and try a bunch of different tax software to see what fits your business best. Your accountant’s already done that for you. Their knowledge enables you to implement and integrate the best software for your business to keep you organized in all of the financial aspects of your business.

    #4: Planning and Growth

    An Accountant for Small Businesses in Duluth does more than just add up your accounts receivable and payable and manage payroll. They are a valuable asset when it comes to the growth and long term planning of your small business.

    With an inside view of your financial picture, they’re in a unique position to not only provide reports relevant to your specific areas of growth but with an insider perspective, they can also provide valuable advice and business reviews to help you make the right choices and move in the right direction. This can help you create the right proposals and plans for the future and growth of your company, no matter the size.

    #5: Areas of Specialization

    Accountants for Small Businesses in Duluth, for the most part, don’t come in a package that fits the needs of every business. There are areas of specialization that most accountants focus on that can help businesses in a variety of areas and at different stages of their growth, from start-up on.

    Here are just a few:

    If you hire the right accounting firm, you will get all of your needs met when it comes to accounting specialties, all in one place. No shopping around for different types of support is necessary.

    There are a whole lot of reasons to hire an accountant, but if your books are driving you crazy and you’d rather spend your valuable time focusing on your business, your products, and/or your services than on your accounting, you probably don’t need very many good reasons besides that. Make hiring a small business accountant your New Year’s resolution to yourself this year.

    Learn more about how an Accountant for Small Businesses in Duluth can help your business. Click this link to learn more.