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  • How to Run a Small Business without a Full-Time Bookkeeper

    How ditching the full-time bookkeeper can save your sanity while you run your business.

    bookkeeperCan you run a small business without a bookkeeper? Sure you can. Can you keep it afloat and growing and thriving? Perhaps. But do you need a full-time bookkeeper? Not necessarily. That’s why outsourcing your bookkeeping is such a great option. Let’s take a look at the benefits of a part-time accountant that isn’t a company employee.

    Focus Your Focus

    When you’re busy handling the bookkeeping for your business, you aren’t focusing on the core needs of your business. Your product or service needs your attention. But to grow and thrive, you need effective bookkeeping. By putting the daily financial management into the hands of an experienced and reliable bookkeeper or bookkeeping firm, you are killing two birds with one stone – you’re ensuring your books are accurate so your financial data is reliable, and you’re keeping your focus on your business, where it belongs.

    Get Yourself Away From the Tedium

    If you’re not a bookkeeper by training or by trade, it might not be a compelling or interesting way to spend your time. When you find a certain undertaking to be tedious, it’s going to take you longer to do it, and you’re not going to do it as well as someone who enjoys it. When you hire a part-time bookkeeper, you can take yourself away from the tedium and, at the same time, get your books done in a timely and accurate manner.

    Reduce Employee Turnover

    If you hire someone to do your books in-house, they become your employee. You’re responsible for their paycheck, benefits, vacations, desk space, and sick days. You’re also responsible for replacing them if they don’t work out or if they decide to quit. When you outsource your bookkeeping to a firm, they are responsible for backfilling any position vacated by a departing employee. Your overhead stays low, as does your stress.

    Take Advantage of a Different Perspective

    Having a second set of eyes and another professional with a financial background looking at your business and books can only be a benefit. An outsourced bookkeeper can organize your economic data and create the right reports to give you the information you need to see where your money is going and where it’s coming from. With a fresh set of eyes, you might be able to see things in a new light and make decisions that are different than those you might make if you were responsible for doing the books and reports yourself.

    Make Sure Things Are on Time, All the Time

    Do you find yourself struggling to keep track of all your vendors and clients? Who owes who what? And when? A part-time bookkeeper can keep you on track with your accounts payable and accounts receivable. They can make sure everyone gets their paycheck on time and that you invoice your clients promptly as well. As a business owner, it can sometimes be hard to keep all the balls in the air with billing, which is why having someone on your team that can help you juggle it all – and keep your cash flow positive and avoid collections – can be worth their weight in gold.

    You don’t always need an accountant, and you don’t always need a full-time staff member to handle your books, especially if your business is a start-up or is small and growing. You need the benefits of an experienced and knowledgeable professional to help you keep all your financial data recorded and up to date. The perfect solution? Outsourced part-time people to help you do all you need to do without breaking the bank. When you’re ready to get the help you need, click or call 678-990-0924 for a free consultation to learn how a bookkeeper can help your business.